Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy Honeymoon

Well there was no honeymoon for us. This is something I regret. We've never been on a vacation just the two of us. We've traveled by ourselves before, yes, but not for any kind of a vacation. We're just not good at sitting down and planning that kind of stuff. So we never did. We've only talked about Hawaii or a Mediterranean cruise. I'd like to travel before we start having kids, but we really should think about doing that soon. So maybe our honeymoon will have to wait for our 25th wedding anniversary.


1 comment:

Lora said...

You know, we took a honeymoon. Like most people do, I guess. But we sort of regretted it. We were so tired that we slept through most of it. And we were a little cranky because we were so tired. And it's not like we waited for marriage, if you know what I mean. So the sexytime could've happened anywhere.

We went to Mexico (seven hours travel time), and it was beautiful but wished that we would've just gone to the Poconos (an hours drive) for a weekend or something.

So take it when you can. You'll enjoy it much more now than you would have then. And if you get a chance to take some time after you have a baby or two or four, you will really appreciate it then more than ever.

I didn't know you still kept this blog up! I have your other one on my reader, and I read from my phone so I never actually see your layout but I have some real live computer time this morning and I always LOVE your graphics so I popped over and I saw that you still had it in your header and I was surprised to see a new post!